Tuesday, June 18, 2013



How to make your blog look like a website?

Posted: 17 Jun 2013 10:06 AM PDT

Before you start this process, you should really examine the reasons why you want to make your blog look like a website. If it is just to make your blog look a little better, then it will take you down a different path than if you actually want to pass your blog off as a website. You will also have to go down a different route if you actually want to turn your blog into a website. On this article you will find basic guidelines to do each.
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Superficial changes to the blog

These are the things that people see on your blog. It is the absolute outer layer of your blog. It is the part of your blog that you can change in order to make it look less like a blog. You should ask yourself why you chose such a design anyway. The chances are that you chose it because it was the format that was already out there on offer, or because you felt that this is what a blog is supposed to look like.

You can make superficial changes quite easily

You can start with your blog post selection screen. You can create another web page that has all of your blog posts as picture links with the blog title underneath. Each picture points to a blog post, but you can use the Ahref function to have the link find the blog post on the landing page (i.e. direct the user right to its position on the page).

You can also change your category pages make your website look more like an article site. The great thing is that you are only making superficial changes, so you can build web pages on top of your current blog. You can add index pages, sitemaps, and even doorway pages, and you can do it as often as you like.

You can change the whole first page of your domain home page so that the first thing that appears is something resembling a home page. But, wont this break all of the links on the home page? No it will not, because everything that used to be on the first page (home page) is still there, you have just shunted it down a bit. If the user were to scroll down, then he or she would see the same things that he or she has always
seen on your blog home page.

Furthermore, if you do not like the idea of simply adding a home page above your blog home page, you can strip down the old page; replace it with the new home page. But, keep all of the links and put them at the bottom of the page (almost like a sitemap at the bottom of the page).

Internal and visual changes to the blog

Changing your URLs, adding new pages, stripping content and moving it. These are all things that you should do if you are going to make visual and internal changes. These are especially important if you are using CMS programs to build your website/blog. Because, the CMS will often create a style that people recognize as a blog. So, you will have a lot more changes to do if you are converting a blog from a CMS. However, they often have plugins you can use too, so it is not all bad news.

A blog to website conversion

A complete base code rewrite is needed, but that keeps the same page URLs and backlinks. You may have to change the URLS if they are not search engine friendly or if they look as if they have been formatted like a CMS blog builder would have formatted them. If you change the URLS then you lose all of the benefits that came with the links that point to them. You can set up redirects but it is not as powerful as the presence of the links in the first place.

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Again, you will have to strip down the content of your blog, start from scratch with your code, and then reintegrate any links and content into your new website. This is what you will have to do if you are actually looking for a full blog to website conversion.

Guest Post by Kate Funk

Bio: Kate Funk is a passionate blogger and online tutor who coaches individuals in creative writing skills.
 You can contact her on Facebook or Google+

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