Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Navy Plan of the Day Announcements, 06-12 June

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'Navy Plan of the Day Announcements' is a weekly product pushed to Navy subscribers of A consistently updated online version exists at This weekly product includes four sections- Plan of the Day Announcements, Navy Leader Planning Guide Notes, This Week in Naval History, and stories associated with Plan of the Day Announcements.


Navy Plan of the Day Announcements 

DOD Expands Safe Helpline with Innovative Peer Support System for Sexual Assault Victims 

The DoD announced the launch of The Safe HelpRoom created in response to Safe Helpline users who identified a need for peer support services. The new service allows victims of sexual assault to participate in group chat sessions to connect with and support one another in a moderated secure online environment at Additional Navy resources are available at 


Focusing on Resilience: 21st Century Sailor Office Established 

Effective June 1, Navy headquarters staff will realign in support of the establishment the 21st Century Sailor office (N17). Establishment of the 21st Century Sailor office will provide for more coordinated and streamlined efforts in Sailor resiliency and readiness programs, including suicide prevention and sexual assault prevention. Full details of the realignment can be found in NAVADMIN 153/13.


Training Begins for Extending Benefits to Same-Sex Partners and their Children 

Navy is beginning training for leadership and support elements to be ready to provide eligible benefits to same-sex domestic partners of service members and their children beginning August 31. The training to be delivered via Navy e-Learning must be completed by August 23 according to NAVADMIN 152/13.

Elimination of the DoD Vehicle Decal Program

NAVADMIN 146/13 discusses Navy policy eliminating the requirement for vehicle decals for base access, effective 1 July 2013. Vehicles must continue to be licensed, registered, inspected, and insured in accordance with state and local laws, but installation access shall be accomplished by vetting personal ID. For rental vehicles, the rental contract serves as licensing, registration, and proof of insurance.


Virtual Education Center (VEC) Provides Education Assistance

The VEC is a one-stop shop for Sailors with questions about voluntary education. Open Monday-Friday, 0600-2100 (EST), it is staffed by academic advisors who answer questions and process requests regarding all facets of the Navy's voluntary education programs. Call 877-838-1659 or email for more info.

Career Navigator Rolls Out - Earlier Reenlistment Information

The Navy rolled out Career Navigator in NAVADMINs 149/13 and 150/13 released May 30. By bringing together multiple career management policies, processes, and IT systems under the umbrella of the Career Navigator Sailors will have the tools and information they need to plan and execute career decisions. For more information read the NAVADMIN or go to

Sailors Get Reenlistment Decisions Earlier

All eligible and command-approved non-nuclear rated E-6 Sailors who want to reenlist and have command approval to do so, will be given reenlistment approval on their first application. Soon, as the career management IT system is updated, Sailors and their commands will receive confirmation immediately upon submittal of reenlistment. For more information read NAVADMINs 149/13 and 150/13 or go to

Navy Announces FY 14 Specialty Career Path Board

The Navy is accepting applications from eligible officers for the Fiscal Year 2014 (FY 14) Specialty Career Path (SCP) Program. The FY 14 SCP Selection Board will be held July 22-26. Applications must be received at NPC no later than Friday, June 21. Eligibility information and application procedures can be found in the NAVADMIN at

NPC Customer Service Center Updates E-mail

NPC Customer Service Center (CSC) has created an encrypted e-mail account for its customers and will phase out its old e-mail account Oct. 1. The new encrypted e-mail account,, can be used for general inquiry questions and any e-mail containing personally identifiable information (PII). The e-mail account remains available for encrypted correspondence to selection boards.

Navy Leader Planning Guide

FITREPS/Evals due:

June 15 - E-4 (All)

Boards convening:

June 10 - Transfer/Redesignation #2 (PERS 8)
June 11 - Active Chief Warrant Officer 3(PERS 8)
June 11 - Active Chief Warrant Officer 4(PERS 8)
June 11 - Active Chief Warrant Officer 5(PERS 8)
June 13 - Reserve Chief Warrant Officer 3(PERS 8)
June 13 - Reserve Chief Warrant Officer 4 (PERS 8)
June 13 - Reserve Chief Warrant Officer 5 (PERS 8)

June 17 - Active E-7 (PERS 8)


This Week in Naval History

6 Jun 1944: Allied forces land troops on Normandy beaches
On 6 June 1944, Operation Overlord (D-Day) – the Allied forces landed troops on Normandy beaches for the largest amphibious landing in history, beginning the march eastward to defeat Germany. In a larger strategic sense, the successful Allied landing in France was a psychological blow to the German occupation of Europe. It called into question the German Army's ability to control western Europe, dramatically increased partisan activity against enemy occupation, and heartened the spirits of all those fighting against Nazi tyranny. The balance of power on the continent, already weakened by Soviet offensives into Poland, was decisively tipped into Allied favor. From that point on, the Allies would begin the drive into Germany that ultimately destroyed the Nazi regime on 7 May 1945.To read indepth about D-Day, please click here for the Navy Library’s Online Reading Room:

7 Jun 1917: US submarine chasers arrived at Corfu, GR
On 7 June 1917, during World War I, United States submarine chasers arrived at Corfu, Greece, for anti-submarine patrols. Captain Charles P Nelson commanded the submarine chasers on board USS Leonidas. The submarine chasers remained until shortly after the 11 November 1918 Armistice, which brought the fighting to an end.

8 Jun 1880: Judge Advocate General authorized by Congress
On 8 Jun 1880, Congress authorized the Office of Judge Advocate General. The following day, Colonel William B. Remey, USMC, became the first Judge Advocate General of the Navy. Vice Admiral Nanette M. Derenzi currently serves as the 42nd Judge Advocate General of the Navy. To visit the Judge Advocate General’s website, please click here:

9 Jun 1813: Frigate President captures British vessel
On 9 June 1813, during the War of 1812, the frigate President, commanded by John Rodgers, en route between the Azores and England, began a series of captures of British vessels that included the brig Kitty, the packet brig Duke of Montrose, the brig Maria, and the schooner Falcon, north of the Azores.

10 Jun 1854: First formal graduation is held at the Naval Academy
On 10 June 1854, the first formal graduation exercises were held at the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, Maryland. Previous classes graduated without a ceremony. Pictured are Rear Admiral Thomas O. Selfridge, USN, and Rear Admiral Joseph N. Miller, USN, who were two of the six graduates that year. The other four graduates were John S. Barnes, John M. Stribling, John J. Cain, and James M. Todd.

11 Jun 1927: Charles Lindbergh arrives in Washington, D.C.
On 11 June 1927, USS Memphis (CL-13) arrived at Washington, D.C., with Charles Lindbergh and his plane, Spirit of St. Louis, after his non-stop flight across the Atlantic. Later that day, Lindbergh became the first person to receive the Distinguished Flying Cross when President Calvin Coolidge presented the award at the Washington Monument grounds. Lindbergh departed on 20 May for the first non-stop flight across the Atlantic, and he landed 33.5 hours later at Le Bourget field, Paris, France.

12 Jun 1957: International Naval Review at Hampton Roads
On 12 June 1957, over 100 ships from 17 nations took part in the International Naval Review at Hampton Roads in honor of the 350th anniversary of the founding of Jamestown, Virginia

Plan of the Day Announcements – Associated Stories

Focusing On Resilience: 21st Century Sailor Office Established

Release Date: 6/5/2013 7:14:00 AM

From Chief of Naval Personnel Public Affairs

WASHINGTON (NNS) -- Effective June 1, Navy headquarters staff realigned in support of the establishment of 21st Century Sailor office (OPNAV N17).

Establishment of the 21st Century Sailor office will provide for more coordinated and streamlined efforts in Sailor resiliency and readiness programs. Full details of the realignment can be found in Naval Administrative Message 153/13.

The office is responsible for the integration of the Navy's objectives for equal opportunity, Sailor personal and family readiness; physical readiness; substance abuse prevention; suicide prevention; sexual harassment and sexual assault prevention and response (SAPR), hazing prevention, and transition assistance.

"The goal of 21st Century Sailor office is to provide our Sailors with the support network, programs, resources, training, and skills needed to overcome adversity and thrive," said Rear Adm. Walter "Ted" Carter, Director of the 21st Century Sailor office. "Resilience is not one program or initiative, but a comprehensive effort to build life skills that not only ensure Navy readiness, but also fully develop the personal and professional talent of our force. The 21st Century Sailor office will drive policy and strategies that are responsive to our Sailors and their families."

The 21st Century Sailor office was created through a realignment of existing Navy resources as part of the recommendations from Task Force Resilient. Task Force Resilient was chartered by Vice Chief of Naval Operations (VCNO) Adm. Mark Ferguson on January 22, 2013 to review Navy resiliency efforts as well as suicide related events in order to increase resilience and reduce suicides.

Led by Rear Adm. Walter "Ted" Carter, Task Force Resilient determined Navy resilience resources could better serve Sailors if aligned under one overarching and integrated organization that provided unity of effort across the Navy enterprise. Task Force Resilient recommended establishing the 21st Century office, led by a Line Flag officer, to serve as the overall lead for Navy resilience efforts by focusing on outcomes and continuity of care across Navy programs.

"Building resilience through a culture of total fitness (physical, mental, social, and spiritual) will empower a force that is always ready to operate forward and execute our warfighting mission," said Carter. "There is much work to be done, but the 21st Century Sailor office establishment is an important step toward supporting life skills programs that our Sailors will want to better themselves and improve our readiness."

21st Century Sailor office will include six individual policy branches residing under the N17 organization: Total Sailor Fitness (N170), Suicide Prevention (N171), Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (N172), Sexual Harassment Prevention and Equal Opportunity (N173), and the Office of Hazing Prevention (N174).

The realignment of the Navy 21st Century Sailor Office began June 1, 2013 and will be completed prior to January 2014.

To view the Task Force Resilient report, visit .



Benefit Training For Same-Sex Partners And Children Begins

Release Date: 6/4/2013 12:26:00 PM

From Chief of Naval Personnel Public Affairs

WASHINGTON (NNS) -- The Navy will begin training for leadership and support elements to be ready to provide eligible benefits to same-sex domestic partners of service members and their children beginning August 31.

"Extending these benefits reinforces the principle that all those who volunteer to serve are treated with dignity and respect and ensured fairness and equal treatment to the extent allowable under law," said Rear Adm. Tony Kurta, director military plans and policy.

Training must be accessed by all current and prospective, active and reserve command triads via Navy e-Learning and must be completed by August 23 according to NAVADMIN 152/13.

The training will assist leadership in a knowledgeable and professional extension of benefits beginning August 31 when service members will be able to submit a "Declaration of Domestic Partnership for DEERS Enrollment" (DD653) and obtain a Department of Defense identification for their same-sex partners to access benefits detailed in the February 11 memo by Secretary of Defense.

Earlier this year, the Department of Defense identified family member and dependent benefits that the services can lawfully provide to same-sex partners and their families through changes in Department of Defense policies and regulation. To make all of these benefits available to same-sex partners of our service members, Navy reviewed and is modifying all necessary instructions, notices, and MILSPERMAN articles, and conducting training to ensure a clear understanding of the benefits and documentation requirements.

Benefits that will be extended to same-sex domestic partners and families include:
* Dependent ID cards (DD Form 1173) which will be renewed in accordance with existing policies
* Commissary and Exchange
* Access to Morale, Welfare and Recreation (MWR)
* Access to child and youth programs. This includes child care, youth programs and youth sponsorship.
* Space-Available Travel on DoD Aircraft
* Joint duty assignment (collocation) for dual-military partners
* Access to Legal Assistance
* Access to most Family Center Programs
* Emergency leave and emergency leave of absence for the military member to attend to partner emergencies.
* Access to sexual assault counseling program. Emergency care provided; additional care determined by medical eligibility.
* Exemption from hostile-fire areas for dual-military if partner is killed in a combat zone.
* Transportation to and from certain places of employment and on military installations
* Transportation to and from Primary and Secondary school for minor dependents
* Disability and death compensation: dependents of members held as captives
* Payments to missing person
* Authorization to participate in surveys of military families, including the quadrennial quality of life review.
* Authority of Service Secretary to transport remains of a dependent

Changes to instructions, notices, and MILSPERMAN articles needed to implement extending eligible benefits to same-sex partners will be completed by August 31.

Benefit FAQ's are posted on Navy's DADT Post Repeal website on Navy Personnel Command's web page under Support and Services .

For more news from Chief of Naval Personnel, visit .



Survey Says: Vec Provides Outstanding Customer Service

Release Date: 5/31/2013 4:22:00 PM

By Chief Mass Communication Specialist Jayme Pastoric, Center for Personal and Professional Development Public Affairs

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (NNS) -- A recent online survey conducted by Navy Personnel Research, Studies and Technology (NPRST) indicate the Virtual Education Center (VEC) is providing a high level of service to the fleet.

Launched in 2010, the VEC is a state-of-the-art call center providing voluntary education services, including education counseling and tuition assistance processing.

"The purpose of the VEC is to provide outreach education services to active duty Sailors and veterans around the world, and tuition assistance to active duty Sailors," said Sharen Richardson, VEC supervisor.

The VEC serves as the Navy College Program's central location for receiving and responding to toll-free telephone, electronic mail, fax, and U.S. Postal service inquiries dealing with all off-duty voluntary education programs and services. The VEC processes tuition assistance applications, serves as a hub for requesting the Joint Services Transcript (JST) and provides easy access to information on the Navy College Program and other voluntary education opportunities.

Open Monday through Friday, from 6 a.m. until 9:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, the VEC is staffed by academic advisors who will answer questions and process requests pertaining to all facets of the Navy's voluntary education programs. It's a one-stop shop for educational questions Sailors have.

"We fund Sailors throughout the world with tuition assistance toward their educational goals, provide educational guidance and counseling and correct and update sailors and Navy veterans' Joint Services Transcript with accurate training and college information," said Richardson.

This fiscal year, the VEC has processed and authorized more than 71,000 tuition assistance requests, sent out 10,000 JSTS to colleges and posted more than 5,000 degrees.

"We are successful one Sailor at a time," said Richardson. "When we help individuals reach their goals, they let us know. Most of the staff would tell you this is the joy in doing what we do. The little things they (VEC staff) do culminate into big rewards for our Sailors."

VEC provides world-class customer service to all active duty Navy, veterans, family members and Navy College Office staffs.

"Since 2010, our ongoing focus is to provide outstanding customer service to Navy personnel within this virtual 'call center' environment and ensure a consistent message is delivered by the VEC as well as our NCO colleagues in the field," said Dr. Mary Redd-Clary, Navy Voluntary Education program director. "We want to make sure our communications with both active duty and Navy veterans is maintained at a high quality, whether the interaction occurs on the phone or via email."

CPPD is responsible for providing a wide range of personal and professional development courses and materials, including General Military Training, Navy instructor training, alcohol and drug awareness program training, suicide and sexual assault prevention, bystander intervention, and personal responsibility classes. CPPD's required leadership training is delivered multiple times throughout a Sailor's career via command-delivered enlisted leadership training material and officer leadership courses in a schoolhouse setting. CPPD also administers the Navy's voluntary education program, which provides Sailors with the opportunity to earn college degrees. CPPD additionally manages the United Services Military Apprenticeship Program (USMAP), which offers Sailors the opportunity to earn civilian apprenticeship certifications.

For more information about the Virtual Education Center, visit: .

For more information about the Center for Personal and Professional Development (CPPD), visit: .

For more news from the Center for Personal and Professional Development, visit: Find CPPD on Facebook at and on Twitter @CENPERSPROFDEV .
CPPD: Where Mind Meets Mission

For more news from Center for Personal and Professional Development, visit .



Career Navigator Goes Online

Release Date: 5/31/2013 8:12:00 AM

By Chief of Naval Personnel Public Affairs

WASHINGTON (NNS) -- The Navy is bringing together all enlisted career management policies, processes and multiple information technology systems under the umbrella of the Career Navigator program in order to provide Sailors with tools and information to plan and execute their career decisions as announced in NAVADMINs 149/13 and 150/13 released May 30.

"Our goal is to provide Sailors with career opportunities across the continuum of Active and Reserve service," said Rear Adm. Tony Kurta, director of military personnel plans and policy. "We have dismantled PTS and created a reenlistment process that is more advantageous for Sailors. We're simplifying the process and providing information sooner, giving our Sailors interactive capability that will enable more transparency and feedback capability and ultimately allow Sailors to be more actively involved in managing their careers."

Career Navigator will use Career Waypoints (formerly Fleet RIDE) as the IT system that supports key Sailor decisions about which way to go next in their career. Career Waypoints will include the enlisted career management processes that allow Sailors to give their intentions to reenlist, reclassify, designate into a rate, convert or transition between the Active Component and Reserve Component. Accordingly these processes will be called: Reenlistment (formerly Perform To Serve (PTS)), Reclassification (formerly production management office (PMO)), PACT designation (formerly rating entry for general apprentice (REGA)), Conversion and Transition. Changes to the system, policy and process names will occur in the next few months.

Beginning June 3, Sailors will receive results of reenlistment applications earlier and the process will align with orders negotiation. Sailors will find out if they've been approved sooner, and have more time to apply for orders through the Career Management System Interactive Detailing (CMS-ID), in the Reenlistment Career Waypoint for active duty.

All Sailors will continue to indicate their intentions to reenlist or separate with their career counselor. They will submit their intentions through their career counselor 13 months before their active obligated service, as extended (SEAOS), one month earlier than before. Sailors can still change their minds after this initial submission, and are encouraged to let their career counselors know if they've made a change as soon as possible.

"Knowing Sailors' intentions is critical to accurately predict how many Sailors we will have in each skillset, rate and paygrade going forward" said Kurta. "This ensures the maximum opportunity to reenlist in rate for those Sailors who desire to stay, offers opportunities for Sailors to convert to a new rate or transition between components, and improves advancement opportunity."

All eligible and command-approved E-6 Sailors will be approved for reenlistment on their first application, according to officials. While there is still a need for Sailors to tell their career counselor their intentions, if they want to reenlist and have command approval to do so, they will be given reenlistment approval on their first application. Soon, as the IT system is updated, Sailors and their commands will receive confirmation immediately upon submittal.

Navy officials say 100 percent of eligible, command approved Sailors in skillsets that are open (undermanned) or balanced will also receive approval to reenlist on their first application, and within 30 days. This will also become immediate with planned IT updates.

The changes will give eligible and command-approved E-5 and below Sailors answers about reenlistment requests earlier. This process has also been aligned with orders negotiation so Sailors will have more time to negotiate for the orders they want.

Sailors in skillsets that are competitive or overmanned, or that have special requirements such as the nuclear community, will receive information sooner about their ability to reenlist in rate, or opportunity to convert to a different rate or transition to the Reserves. Many of these Sailors will also receive approval to reenlist on their first application depending on the manning in their year group.

According to Kurta, with this new design, approximately 75% of Sailors who want to reenlist will be approved on their first application and all Sailors will know at least 10 months from the end of their contract whether they will be able to reenlist in their current rate.

"Each month, we have been processing approximately 12,000 reenlistment applications," Kurta said. "This number is expected to decrease significantly since the majority of Sailors will not have to apply for multiple months before receiving a decision. Sailors not approved to reenlist in rate will have additional time to apply to convert into another rating where opportunity exists. "

For Sailors who are in overmanned or competitive skillsets will have up to 11 monthly reviews grouped into three phases beginning 13 months from their expiration of SEAOS. Each phase will present the career options available to a Sailor.

The first phase provides Sailors with four reviews starting 13 months from SEAOS with three options of in-rate reenlistment, conversion to another rating or transition into selected Reserves (SELRES ).

In the second phase, Sailors who have not been given the go ahead for reenlistment in-rate will be given four more reviews with the options of conversion to a new rate or transition into SELRES.

In the third and final phase, Sailors will receive up to three reviews to transition into SELRES.

Other changes to improve Sailors' career management include updates to rating designation for Professional Career Track (PACT) Sailors, rating conversions for Reserve Sailors, and Reserve component to active component augmentation. These updates will be supported by several information technology enhancements to Career Waypoints and are also effective, June 3.

The second change automatically generates partial applications for PACT Sailors who meet minimum qualification requirements. The NAVADMIN also modifies policy to allow time in rate (TIR) Sailors to apply for a rating entry designation (RED) quotas.

The final process changes impact Sailors in the Reserve Component, as part of continuum of service initiatives announced in NAVADMIN 114/10. Starting June 3, SELRES and voluntary training unit (VTU) Sailors will be able to request active duty augmentation through the transition module within Career Waypoints, provided they meet specific program requirements. The program is being expanded to include FTS opportunities and to allow conversions into ratings with available quotas provided Sailors meet program requirements.

Additionally, SELRES Sailors will be able to request conversion to an undermanned SELRES rating through Career Waypoints, instead of routing paper packages to PERS-8 for approval.

Previous Selective Reenlistment Bonus (SRB) restrictions are now lifted for augmented members. Reserve Component Sailors who augment onto active duty may be eligible to receive SRB based on current active duty SRB authorizations and their amount of continuous active duty service.

To be eligible for SRB, Reserve Sailors must have completed at least 17 continuous months of active Naval service (other than active duty for training), but not more than 20 years of active military service at some time in their career. To ensure all requirements are met, visit the SRB page of the NPC Website.

To learn more about the Career Navigator program, Sailors may speak with their chain of command, career counselor, read the NAVADMIN, or call NPC customer service center at 1-866-U-ASK-NPC, (1-866-827-5672) or e-mail at



Navy Announces FY 14 Specialty Career Path Board

Release Date: 5/31/2013 1:44:00 PM

From Navy Personnel Command Public Affairs

MILLINGTON, Tenn. (NNS) -- The Navy is accepting applications from eligible officers for the Fiscal Year 2014 (FY 14) Specialty Career Path (SCP) Program, in a Navy message released May 31.

The SCP Program provides officers alternatives to the traditional command-at-sea-career path and supports demand for senior unrestricted line officer expertise in growing mission areas.

The program is designed to develop and utilize selected officers in the following distinct specialty career paths:

*Operations Analysis
*Financial Management
*Naval Operational Planner
*Anti-terrorism/Force Protection
*Shore Installation Management
*Anti-Submarine Warfare
*Mine Warfare
*Missile Defense
*Strategic Sealift
*Education and Training Management

The FY 14 SCP Selection Board will be held July 22 - 26 at Navy Personnel Command (NPC). Applications must be received at NPC no later than Friday, June 21. Eligibility information and application procedures can be found in the NAVADMIN.

Officers who meet eligibility requirements may apply for up to two specialty career paths. The board will select eligible officers best qualified to serve the needs of the Navy in each specialty career path. Selectees will retain their original officer designator and will receive an additional qualification designator that indicates their area of specialization.

The program provides selectees jobs with increasing complexity and responsibility. Officers will gain experience and develop management and leadership skills that will best serve the Navy while providing enhanced opportunity for successful career transition upon retirement.

The FY 14 SCP Selection Board will also screen previously unselected SCP lieutenant commanders and commanders for SCP executive (XO) and commanding officer (CO) billets within their mission areas. SCP XO and CO screened officers will be eligible to fill designated SCP milestone billets.

For more information read NAVADMIN 148/13 and visit the SCP section of the NPC website at

For more information, visit,, or .



NPC Customer Service Center Updates E-Mail

Release Date: 5/30/2013 4:16:00 PM

By Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Andrea Perez, Navy Personnel Command Public Affairs

MILLINGTON, Tenn. (NNS) -- The Navy Personnel Command (NPC) Customer Service Center (CSC) has created an encrypted e-mail account for its customers and will phase out its old e-mail account, CSC officials said May 30.

The new encrypted e-mail account,, can be used for general inquiry questions and routine correspondence, such as record request inquiries, FITREP/EVAL (Fitness Report/Evaluation) questions, detailer and Career Management System-Interactive Detailing information, or any e-mail containing personally identifiable information (PII).

"If you must send us an e-mail that contains PII, DOD policy states you must send it encrypted," said Greg Moody, deputy director, customer relations management, NPC. "If you are unsure whether to encrypt an e-mail or not, encrypt it."

The e-mail account remains available to receive encrypted correspondence to selection boards.

The new e-mail account can receive both encrypted and unencrypted e-mail, but sending e-mail to the new account at will not automatically encrypt the sender's e-mail. The sender must choose to encrypt the email. If the sender is unable to send encrypted e-mail, any sensitive information or PII should be removed.

Sailors who are sending correspondence from a non-NMCI (Navy Marine Corps Intranet) network can visit to download the required mailbox certificate. The certificate can only be downloaded if Microsoft Outlook is being used with a common access card (CAC) reader, and the computer has "ActivClient" software and Internet Explorer or Netscape 7.

To download the mailbox certificate for encrypted email:

* Visit,
* Type or in the "E-mail address" field, then click "Search,"
* Click the "BUPERS" or "CSC" link under "Last Name,"
* Click on the link "Download Certificate(s) as vCard,"
* Click "Software Certificate for" or "Software Certificate for,"<br< a="">> * Click the "Open" button on the File Download pop-up. The certificate will open. Click "Save and Close,"
* The certificate is then saved to the profile and can be used to send encrypted e-mail.

Customers not sending sensitive information or PII can still utilize the CSC's old e-mail address, </br<>, until Oct. 1, 2013.

CSC representatives are also available Monday - Friday from 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. CST to answer questions. Customers can call 1-866-U-ASK-NPC (1-866-827-5672) or for the hearing impaired, dial 1-866-297-1971.


Navy News Service is the official news wire service of the U.S. Navy containing stories recently posted to the Navy web site at It is a product of the Defense Media Activity - Navy, 6700 Taylor Ave, Fort Meade, MD 20755. Reprints should be credited to the Navy News Service (NNS). Powered by GovDelivery

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